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48922: Initialize game
Used by the routine at 62288.
Launch of main game, once the player has entered 3 correct security codes from the code sheet.
48922 LD HL,(23613) Get ERRSP (stack pointer error return address)
48925 LD SP,HL
48926 POP HL Replace with stack address 48947 in case there's an error in loading a saved game
48927 LD HL,48947
48930 PUSH HL
48931 DI Disable interrupts
48932 CALL 31744 Initialise menu options and draw the decorative border round the play area
The previous CALL returns the following values:
  • In the D register - Game flag (0 = New game, 1 = Existing game)
  • In the E register - Player controls choice - from 35754 - choices are from the first menu screen (35778)
48935 LD A,E Store player game control type selected from the menu (35778)
48936 LD (48920),A
48939 LD A,D Retrieve and re-store store game flag (0 = New Game, 1 = Existing game)
48940 LD (48921),A
48943 CP 0 Skip over next routine (to 48992) if it's a new game, or continue to the next routine to LOAD a saved game
48945 JR Z,48992
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