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60325: Data buffer - creature attributes
8 bytes copied from data sets at 27772/27828 in creature setup routine at 52646
See Reference - Creatures for information about the different denizens that inhabit Avalon.
60325 DEFB 0 INK colour of creature
If bit 3 is set it means creature changes colour
60326 DEFB 0 Number of these creatures that Maroc has destroyed
60327 DEFB 0 Type of missile (27868) fired by this creature (0 = no ranged attack)
60328 DEFB 0 Object number held by this creature, in table at 29551 (warlocks only)
60329 DEFB 0 Collision/event check type (wraiths/demons = 7, other creatures = 3)
60330 DEFB 0 Collision/event check value for creatures opening/closing doors (17)
60331 DEFB 0 Graphic number - offset for creature graphic address in table at 38851
60332 DEFB 0 Amount to reduce Maroc's energy by if the creature touches Maroc, checked at 53364
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