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BF1A: Initialize game
Used by the routine at F350.
Launch of main game, once the player has entered 3 correct security codes from the code sheet.
BF1A LD HL,($5C3D) Get ERRSP (stack pointer error return address)
BF1E POP HL Replace with stack address BF33 in case there's an error in loading a saved game
BF23 DI Disable interrupts
BF24 CALL $7C00 Initialise menu options and draw the decorative border round the play area
The previous CALL returns the following values:
  • In the D register - Game flag (0 = New game, 1 = Existing game)
  • In the E register - Player controls choice - from 8BAA - choices are from the first menu screen (8BC2)
BF27 LD A,E Store player game control type selected from the menu (8BC2)
BF28 LD ($BF18),A
BF2B LD A,D Retrieve and re-store store game flag (0 = New Game, 1 = Existing game)
BF2C LD ($BF19),A
BF2F CP $00 Skip over next routine (to BF60) if it's a new game, or continue to the next routine to LOAD a saved game
BF31 JR Z,$BF60
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