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C7C5: Pause game routine - check if 'resume game' key is pressed
Used by the routine at C763.
While the game is paused, check if the player is pressing 'O' to resume the game
C7C5 LD BC,$DFFE Keyboard port address for keys Y, U, I, O, P
C7C8 IN A,(C) Check this half-row of the keyboard
C7CA OR %11111101 For the 'O key we're interested in the second lowest bit (bit 1), so set all the other bits to 1
C7CC CP %11111111 If bit 1 is set to 1, all the bits will be set to 1, indicating the 'O key isn't being pressed.
C7CE JR Z,$C763 If this is the case, return to the start of the pause routine, play the music and keep checking the keyboard.
Otherwise, continue to the next routine to resume the game, starting at the main game loop.
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