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CD21: Check for an object trade with warlock
Used by the routine at CC72.
First, check to see if any object has been traded (using the servant) with a warlock:
CD21 LD A,($EBAD) Warlock 'aggression' byte - byte 6 of the warlock data sets at 6C7C.
CD24 CP $00
CD26 JR Z,$CD66 If zero, this means there's no warlock on-screen, so skip this check
CD28 LD C,A Temp store this byte in C register, as it's used in the upcoming CALL as the event value to check for a trade
CD29 LD A,($EBAE) Object number held by warlock
CD2C CP $00
CD2E JR NZ,$CD85 If not zero, an object has (already) just been given to the warlock, so needs to be dealt with - skip this routine
CD30 CALL $DFCD Run an event/collision check against this warlock (for trading an object)
CD33 CP $00 A register returned with 1 = collision, or 0 = no collision
CD35 JR Z,$CD66 If negative, skip to the next routine
Object trade made with warlock - mark the item as no longer present:
CD37 LD A,($EB46) Get object number (relates to room object table at 736F)
CD3A LD ($EBAE),A Copy to working data buffer
CD3D LD A,$00
CD3F LD ($EB43),A Change the object's type to 0 in the working buffer, indicating it's no longer around in the room
CD42 LD A,($EB8B)
CD45 LD ($EBAF),A Copy attribute colour of object to working data buffer
CD48 LD A,($EB4E) Item properties byte
CD4B LD C,A Temp store in C register
CD4C OR %00001101 Set bits 0 (item is visible), 2 (item will need erasing) and 3 (item has been thrown/dropped by servant)
CD4E AND %11101101 Reset bit 1 (item is hidden) and bit 4 (to indicate object no longer carried by servant)
CD50 LD ($EB4E),A Re-store updated object byte
CD53 LD HL,($EB44) Move the properties byte to byte 4 of the object data set at 736F (objects held by warlocks are at the start of this table)
CD59 LD (HL),A Store the updated item property in byte 4 of the set
CD5A LD A,C Retrieve item properties byte (pre-modification)
CD5B AND $10 Check bit 4 (16) - if set, indicates object carried by servant. Normally this will be set, but it is possible for the servant to 'throw' the item to the warlock
CD5F LD A,$00 If the item was carried by the servant...
CD61 LD ($EBB1),A ...Set the item-carried-by-servant status byte to 0
CD64 JR $CD85
There's a later check made (at CE71) to determine if a traded item is valuable enough to be worthy of a trade with each warlock.
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