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D7F3: Check which spell has been cast
Follows the previous routine at D794.
Check which (if any) spell, or spell type, has been cast/activated (rather than merely selected) - using spell number - from the spells list at 6DFC and stored at EAEC.
D7F6 CP $00 No spell cast, or MOVE spell in effect
D7F8 JP Z,$D901
D7FB CP $01 SERVANT spell
D7FD JR Z,$D833
D7FF CP $08 HAIL spell
D801 JP Z,$D8CE
D804 CP $0C WAYSTONE spell
D806 JP Z,$D8D5
D809 CP $10 FREEZE spell
D80B JP Z,$D8E2
D80E CP $11 SUMMON spell
D810 JP Z,$D8E9
D813 CP $13 PORTAL spell
D815 JP Z,$D8F0
Maroc has cast some other spell:
D818 LD A,($EBC7) Check the type of spell cast
D81B CP $02 Spell type 2 = spell that generates a controllable graphic, e.g. SERVANT, MISSILE, OPEN
D81D JP NZ,$D901 If not one of these spell types, skip out of this routine for other checks
Spell has been cast that involves a controllable cursor:
  • Bit 7 of the spell info byte at EBCA, if set, tells us this is a missile/bolt aiming cursor
  • If not set, it's a spell whose cursor position will need checking for room events/collisions (SERVANT, OPEN, REVEAL etc.)
D820 LD A,($EBCA) Get byte indicating spell cursor type
D823 CP $00 If not active, can skip to next routine
D825 JP Z,$D901
D828 LD C,A Otherwise, temp store this value in the C register
D829 AND $80 Bit 7 of this byte is set for bolt spells (MISSILE, FIREBALL etc.)
D82B CP $00
D82D JP Z,$D8B2 If NOT set, it's another sort of aiming cursor, so can jump out here and deal with this spell's potential event/collision actions
D830 JP $D901 If set, it's a bolt/missile type spell, fine to jump out of this routine
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