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E929: Player has cast a spell requiring a controllable cursor (e.g. SERVANT, MISSILE, OPEN)
Used by the routines at E641 and E7FD.
eye cursor icon servant graphic
Copy a few spell-related bytes into game data buffers at EB43 and EACB:
E929 LD A,($EC99) Copy sprite frame number to data buffer
E92C LD ($EB50),A
E92F LD A,($EC9A) Copy pre-graphics byte (for servant or flashing eye graphic) to data buffer
E932 LD ($EB4F),A
E935 LD HL,($EC94) Copy graphics address pointer to data buffer
E938 LD ($EB51),HL
E93B CALL $E336 Calculate graphic frame address to use for animated graphics
E93E LD A,($EB50) Copy graphic frame number to data buffer
E941 LD ($EC99),A
E944 CALL $DD5C Continue to print spell message text and Maroc's energy bar on scroll
E947 LD A,($EB00) Copy sprite horizontal position (in pixels) into buffer
E94A LD ($EAD3),A
E94D LD A,($EAFF) Copy sprite vertical position (in pixels) into buffer
E950 LD ($EAD2),A
E953 LD A,$01 Graphic type = 1
E955 LD ($EB43),A
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