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56612: Draw the spell pointer arrow, spell charge icons and energy bar on the scroll
Used by the routines at 58945, 59130 and 59219.
DE Screen display address location to draw at
scroll spell example
spell counter icon
energy bar
Draws the scroll arrow (called from 58945), the spell 'charge' icons (called from 59130) or the energy bar (called from 59246)
56612 LD HL,(60241) Get graphics address pointer from 38851
56615 LD A,(HL) Get the graphics address pointer low byte for the arrow (44966), the scroll charge icons (44775), or the energy bar (44787)
56616 INC HL High byte of the graphics address pointer
56617 LD H,(HL)
56618 LD L,A ...HL register pair now contains the graphics address pointer for the relevant graphic
56619 LD C,(HL) Number of tiles that make up the graphic
56620 INC HL Move graphics address pointer along to start of first tile graphic
56621 INC HL
56622 INC HL
56623 LD B,(HL) Number of bytes in the graphics tile to draw
56624 INC HL Move pointer to start of tile graphics
56625 LD (60126),DE Store screen display address position
Draw graphic tile on screen
56629 LD A,(HL) Copy graphic byte onto screen:
56630 LD (DE),A
56631 INC HL Move to next graphic byte
56632 LD A,D Get pixel row
56633 AND 7
56635 INC A Move down to next pixel row
56636 CP 8 Are we crossing a pixel/character boundary?
56638 JR C,56656 ...If not, move down 1 pixel row and continue drawing the graphic
56640 LD A,D ...If so, recalculate screen display address. Get high byte of screen address
56641 AND 248 Reset the low 3 bits (pixel row number) to zero
56643 LD D,A
56644 LD A,E Get the low byte of the screen address
56645 ADD A,32 Increment column by 32 to move down to next screen row
56647 LD E,A
56648 JR NC,56657 Crossing a 1/3 screen boundary? ...If not, skip next 3 instructions
56650 LD A,D ...If so, adjust high byte of screen address accordingly
56651 ADD A,8
56653 LD D,A Store correct screen address high byte back in D register
56654 JR 56657
56656 INC D Move down 1 pixel row
56657 DJNZ 56629 Repeat for all pixel rows of this graphics tile
Continue to draw the remaining tiles in the graphic
56659 LD DE,(60126) Retrieve screen display address
56663 INC E Move right one character square
56664 DEC C Decrement tile graphic counter
56665 JR NZ,56621 If there are tiles left in the graphic, draw the next one.
56667 RET
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