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59520: Decrease Maroc's horizontal movement speed
Used by the routine at 59474.
C Maroc's horizontal movement speed (stored at 60164)
When left/right control keys are released, Maroc will slow his horizontal movement, eventually coming to a stop.
59520 LD A,C Get Maroc's horizontal movement speed
59521 CP 0 Is he moving left or right?
59523 JR Z,59541 If Maroc is not moving horizontally left or right, skip to next routine
59525 SRA A Calculate 1/4 of Maroc's current speed
59527 SRA A
59529 NEG This value will be added to the speed, so NEG will ensure the adjustment is subtracted
59531 CP 0 Check if this means Maroc has stopped moving left/right
59533 JR NZ,59537
59535 LD C,0 ...If so, set speed offset to zero
59537 ADD A,C ...Otherwise, reduce current speed by 1/4
This entry point is used by the routine at 59488.
59538 LD (60164),A Store Maroc's adjusted horizontal movement speed
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