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C03F: Run new game intro sequence
lightning flashes during intro sequence
C03F CALL $DEF9 Clear the scroll status panel at the bottom of the screen
Draw Maroc sprite graphic
C042 LD A,$50 Set vertical pixel position (from top of playing area)
Sprite drawing loop starts here (return from C09F) - continued until Maroc passes the bottom of the playing area
C044 LD ($EAD2),A
C047 LD A,$78 Horizontal pixel position
C049 LD ($EAD3),A
C04C LD A,$01 Set graphics draw/erase flag to 1 (DRAW)
C051 LD HL,($EAC2) Set graphics display address pointer to Maroc's sprite (97C3)
C054 CALL $DB98 Draw Maroc
Print intro sequence/game start text on scroll (731F)
C057 LD A,$24 Intro sequence/game start message is message number #36 (at 731F)
C059 CALL $E5A5 Identify the address location for this text message number
C05C LD ($EAA1),HL ...and store
C05F LD HL,$5048 Set screen display address to top left of the scroll's text area
C062 LD ($EAA4),HL ...and store
C065 CALL $E2D0 Call text printing routine
Erase Maroc sprite graphic
C068 LD A,$00 Set graphics draw/erase flag to 1 (ERASE)
C06A LD ($EACF),A ...and store
C06D LD HL,($EAC2) Retrieve graphics address pointer
C070 CALL $DB98 Erase graphic
Lightning flashes are triggered every 16 pixels that Maroc's sprite moves down the screen.
C073 LD A,($EAD2) Get vertical (Y) pixel co-ordinate
C076 AND $0F Check the last 4 bits (0-15) to see if value = 0
C078 JR NZ,$C099 If not, jump out here and continue to move Maroc downwards.
If so, continue to next routine (lightning flash effects)
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