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C42A: Identify room's interactable objects
Used by the routine at C32D.
Run after setting up room's doors. Checks the room object table at 736F and copies any objects to the data sets at 7C00.
C42A LD A,$07 Maximum of 7 interactable objects displayed in a room. More can be in the room, but they won't appear until Maroc takes an object, leaves and subsequently returns to, the room.
C42C LD ($EBB7),A Store as a counter check
C42F LD HL,($DAF3) Pointer to room item data tables at 736F
C432 LD A,$00 Reset (data set) counter for room object table
C434 LD ($EB84),A
Set up data for objects in room
C437 LD A,($EAB7) Get room number
C43A LD B,A Used in B register in next CALL
C43B LD C,$00 C register used as room counter in next CALL
C43D CALL $DE4C Check objects table for what's in the current room
C440 LD A,($EB84)
C443 CP $FF If all objects are dealt with - skip next few instructions
C445 JR Z,$C460
Found an object to deal with in this room
C447 LD ($EB7A),HL Store the room object table address pointer
C44A CALL $DEB7 Set up interactable object graphics and copy data into a room item data set at 7C00
C44D LD HL,($EB44) Retrieve address pointer to start of interactable object's data set (at 736F)
C450 LD (HL),$00 Set the item's room number to 0, as Maroc is now in the same room as the item
C452 LD A,($EBB7) Get maximum object counter (max 7)...
C455 DEC A ...Decrement...
C456 LD ($EBB7),A ...And re-store.
C459 JR Z,$C460 If we've reached the maximum number of objects in this room, jump to next routine
C45B LD HL,($EB7A) Otherwise, retrieve the room object table address pointer
C45E JR $C437 ...and continue checking for objects.
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