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C5E7: Set up tunnel
Set up vertical tunnel sections. Like with 'standard' rooms, the first entry in the room data sets at 7C00 is the generic position/viewport/co-ordinates for the tunnel as a whole, before dealing with the individual on-screen items.
spider in vertical scrolling tunnel
C5E7 LD A,$0F
C5E9 LD ($EB43),A Graphic type = 15 - this is the value for the generic tunnel screen position/viewport
C5EC LD A,$00
C5EE LD ($EB47),A Set horizontal room position to 0 (overflow/fraction byte)
C5F1 LD ($EB49),A Set vertical room position to 0 (overflow/fraction byte)
C5F4 LD ($EB4C),A Set horizontal movement speed to 0
C5F7 LD ($EB4D),A Set vertical movement speed to 0
C5FC LD ($EB4B),A Byte indicating general tunnel element
C5FF LD A,$1C Horizontal position, in half-character/4-pixel steps
Tunnel starting position is at the top of the screen, in the middle (14 character spaces).
C601 LD ($EB48),A
C604 LD A,$00 Vertical position, in pixels, from the top of the playing area.
C606 LD ($EB4A),A
C609 LD A,$01 Animation frame number offset (= no offset)
C60B LD ($EB50),A
C60E LD A,$7C Offset for graphics address table at 97C3, starting at 'dummy' graphic (98B9/AD9C) as nothing actually needs drawing
C610 CALL $E0C2 Set up 'dummy' graphic - used for tunnel 'entity'
C613 LD A,%00000101 Set bits 0 (1) = item visible and 2 (4) = item will need erasing (item default setting)
C615 LD ($EB4E),A Store as item properties byte
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