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C89F: Deal with and check room item, creature or scenery
Used by the routine at C837.
The first byte of the working data set at EB43 (this data is copied from each of the 16 byte room item data sets at 7C00) is checked here.
It indicates the type of room object that needs to be drawn, checked or generally dealt with.
C89F LD A,($EB43)
C8A2 CP $01 Back wall bricks/scenery, or door frames, wall/floor connector graphics or cursor
C8A4 JP Z,$D27D
C8A7 CP $02 Door
C8AC CP $03 Creature
C8B1 CP $04 Interactable objects (e.g. key, chest, scroll)
C8B3 JP Z,$CB00
C8B6 CP $05 Missile fired by creature/warlock
C8B8 JP Z,$D09B
C8BB CP $06 Vertical back wall/floor connector (left)
C8BD JP Z,$D161
C8C0 CP $07 Vertical back wall/floor connector (right)
C8C2 JP Z,$D170
C8C5 CP $08 Missile fired by Maroc
C8C7 JP Z,$D09B
C8CA CP $0F Tunnel position (& direction)
C8CC JP Z,$D179
C8CF CP $0E Tunnel item (side boundary wall, bat or spider)
C8D1 JP Z,$D1D2
C8D4 CP $20 Room position & viewport
C8D6 JP Z,$D26E
C8D9 JP $D27D Jump from here if nothing to deal with.
Data set room items that are no longer present (e.g. a destroyed creature) will have this byte set to 0 to indicate they no longer exist.
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