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D09B: Missile fired by Maroc or a creature - check for active shield/barrier spells
Used by the routine at C89F.
...There's a missile/bolt flying around in the room..!
creature missile rebounding of Maroc's shield
This routine copies the missile's data from the table at 6CDC into a working (missile) buffer at EB9D.
It also checks if Maroc has a counter defence spell active (SHIELD, DEFENCE etc.)
  • Each missile type (at 6CDC) has up to THREE counter defensive barrier-type spells that will negate/repel it
  • These are stored in bytes 5, 7 and 8 of the missile's 8-byte data set (AMULET spell repels all missiles)
  • The following instructions check if each of these values in a missile's data set (stored in the current missile data buffer at EBA1, EBA3 and EBA4) match the currently active defensive barrier spell type
  • If there's a match, a special missile/barrier collision routine (E286) is CALLed
D09B LD A,($EB4E) Missile properties byte
D09E AND $01 Check if it's is on-screen (bit 1 is set)
D0A0 JP Z,$D141 ...if not, skip out to a later instruction
D0A3 LD HL,($EB44) Get address pointer to missile type (in table at 6CDC)
D0A6 LD BC,$0008 Copy the 8 bytes of missile data into missile working buffer table at EB9D
D0AE LD A,($EB9F) Missile attribute (INK) colour
D0B1 LD ($EAA8),A Copy into item data buffer
D0B4 LD A,($EBA0) Missile's event/collision type to check (stored as the 4th byte in the missile/bolt table at 6CDC)
D0B7 CP $00
D0B9 JR Z,$D0BE If it's zero (no event), don't copy any event data (shouldn't happen as there's a value for each missile)
D0BB CALL $E2B0 ...If it's not zero, copy item event data into working buffer
D0BE LD A,($EAE9) Get currently active 'effect' spell (value = 0 if none currently in effect)
D0C1 LD C,A Copy to C register
D0C2 LD A,($EBA1) Defence counter spell #1 (the spell in this slot is always AMULET)
D0C5 CP $00
D0C7 JR Z,$D0CC Check for zero - if no counter spell in this slot (shouldn't happen as there's a value for every counter slot)
D0C9 CP C Check counter spell vs current active spell number
D0CA JR Z,$D0E0 If there's a match, can skip the next two checks straight to D0E0
D0CC LD A,($EBA3) Defence counter spell #2
D0CF CP $00 Check for zero - if no counter spell in this slot (shouldn't happen as there's a value for every counter slot)
D0D1 JR Z,$D0D6
D0D3 CP C Check counter spell vs current active spell number
D0D4 JR Z,$D0E0 If there's a match, can skip the final check and jump straight to D0E0
D0D6 LD A,($EBA4) Defence counter spell #3
D0D9 CP $00 heck for zero - if no counter spell in this slot (shouldn't happen as there's a value for every counter slot)
D0DB JR Z,$D116
D0DD CP C Check counter spell vs current active spell number
D0DE JR NZ,$D116 If there's NO match, jump out of the routine here
The following instructions are redundant (possibly duplicated), as CP C has already happened in a previous check
D0E0 CP C -
D0E1 JR NZ,$D116 -
There's a match between the missile/bolt fired and an active shielding spell around Maroc that will negate/deflect it
The following instructions check for a collision against Maroc's flickering shielding/protective spell
D0E3 LD C,$01 For the usual collision/event detection routine (DFCD) the C register is set an event/collision type. On this occasion loading the C register is unnecessary as it's not actually needed/used for this (special) missile routine.
D0E5 CALL $E286 Check for a collision between the fired bolt/missile and the shield/barrier around Maroc
D0E8 CP $00 The A register is returned with 0 if no collision, or 8 (this byte is used elsewhere for the accompanying sound effect) if there's a collision
D0EA JR Z,$D116 If no collision, jump out of this routine/check
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