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E286: Collision check between creature missile and Maroc's shielding barrier
Used by the routine at D09B.
Called from D0E3 if byte 7 or 8 of missile data (6CDC/EB9D) is repelled by the active spell effect
Collision detection for SHIELD, PROTECT, DEFENCE and AMULET vs missile/bolt spells.
Because the shield effect flickers to Maroc's left and right, his 'hit boxes' are slightly wider than normal to accommodate this (vertical = 24 pixels at E297, horizontal 48 pixels at E2A2)
E286 LD A,($EAD4) High byte of missile horizontal co-ordinate
E289 CP $00 This byte is 0 if the item is visible on-screen
E28B JR NZ,$E2AD If not, jump to the end of this routine
Missile is on-screen. First a horizontal co-ordinate collision check:
E28D LD A,($EAD2) Graphic's vertical pixel position
E290 LD C,A Copy to C register
E291 LD A,($EAC1) Maroc's vertical (Y-axis) screen position
E294 ADD A,$0C Move the target centre down 12 pixels (towards the bottom of Maroc's sprite). The vertical 'hit box' of 24 pixels will extend upwards from here
E296 SUB C Subtract the missile's vertical position
E297 CP $18 Is the missile within 24 pixels from this vertical position?
E299 JR NC,$E2AD If margin is >=24 pixels, it's missed vertically so no need to run the horizontal check
Horizontal check is within 'hit box'. Next, a vertical co-ordinate collision check:
E29B LD A,($EAD3) Graphic's horizontal pixel position
E29E LD C,A Copy to C register
E29F LD A,$8C Maroc's horizontal pixel position on screen doesn't change - this pixel position is at the barrier just to the right hand size of Maroc's sprite. The horizontal 'hit box' of 48 pixels extends to the left from here
E2A1 SUB C Subtract the missile's horizontal pixel position
E2A2 CP $30 Is the missile within 48 pixels from this horizontal position?
E2A4 JR NC,$E2AD If it's outside this range, no collision
The missile has collided with Maroc while he's protected by his shielding spell:
E2A6 LD A,$08
E2A8 LD ($EB56),A Set the sound effect duration affecting length of 'crunching' sound as the missile strikes Maroc & his shield (duration = 8)
This also acts as a non-zero collision flag value, indicating a positive collision check
E2AB JR $E2AF ...and skip the next instruction, jump straight to RET
No collision detected
E2AD LD A,$00 Collision check flag value = 0 (no collision)
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