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D116: Check if a missile fired by a creature has hit Maroc, and if so reduce his energy
Follows 'missile deflection' checks at D09B that checks for collision with an effective shield spell
Check if it's a creature-launched missile, or a Maroc-launched missile:
D116 LD A,($EB43) Object type
D119 CP $08 Object type 8 = Missile fired by Maroc
D11B JR Z,$D12E If it's one of Maroc's missiles, skip the next check
D11D LD C,$00 Collision type to check = 0 (collision with Maroc)
D11F CALL $DFCD Call collision check routine
D122 CP $00
D124 JR Z,$D12E A register returned with 1 if a collision is detected (0 if not)
A creature missile/bolt has hit Maroc. The previous check in the routine at D09B has already confirmed Maroc does not have a protective shield spell against this missile/bolt, so it's going to damage his energy:
D126 LD A,($EBA2) Value to decrease Maroc's energy by (varies by missile type)
D129 CALL $E3CC Decrease Maroc's energy
D12C JR $D141
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