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D21B: Tunnel item (boundary or bat/spider) has gone off-screen - reduce on-screen item count
Used by the routine at D1D2.
Helps keep track and limit the number of graphic items on-screen during the tunnel sections. Jump from D1D7 if tunnel item is no longer visible on-screen.
D21B LD A,$00
D21D LD ($EB43),A Set type of graphic to draw to 0
D220 LD A,($EB46)
D223 CP $03 Check if tunnel item type < 3
D225 JR NC,$D231
If so, it's a left/right boundary graphic that's now gone off-screen
D227 LD A,($EB7E) Byte holding the number of boundary wall graphics currently on screen. This number is checked & limited (to 20) at D6E3.
D22A DEC A Decrement this counter, as there's now one less...
D22B LD ($EB7E),A ...and re-store.
D22E JP $D27D
Creature has gone off-screen
D231 LD A,($EC9D) Counter for number of creatures currently on-screen (max 3)
D234 DEC A Decrement number...
D235 LD ($EC9D),A ...and re-store
D238 JP $D27D
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