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DA4D: Maroc is out of energy
When Maroc's energy runs out, an animation runs where Maroc spins to the top of the screen:
DA4D CALL $E46C Maroc out of energy - run 'death' animation routine
Set up screen to display Maroc's current rank
screen after Maroc runs out of energy, displaying current rank
DA50 CALL $E25B Clear the playing area (pixels)
DA53 LD A,$42 Set the screen attribute colours to INK 2, BRIGHT 1, PAPER 0
DA55 LD ($EAA9),A
DA58 LD ($EAA7),A Also set Maroc's attribute colours to these attributes for this screen, to avoid a white stripe down the middle of the demon...
DA5B CALL $E207 Draw the attribute colours on screen
Draw the demon graphic:
DA5E LD A,$01 Demon frame number = 1
DA60 LD ($EB50),A
DA63 LD A,$58 Offset for graphic address table at 97C3. Will point to address at 9871, for demon graphics stored at A6CF.
DA65 CALL $E0C2 Set up graphic to draw
DA68 LD A,$70 Horizontal screen position, in pixels
DA6D LD A,$40 Vertical position, in pixels, from top of playing area
DA72 LD A,$01 Set draw/erase flag to 1 (DRAW)
DA77 LD A,$00 High byte for horizontal graphic position, 0 indicates that the graphic is on-screen (within the viewport) as opposed to off to the right or left
DA79 LD ($EAD4),A
DA7C LD HL,($EB51) Retrieve address pointer for graphics
DA7F LD ($EACD),HL ...and copy into graphics buffer
DA82 CALL $DB98 Draw the demon graphic on screen
DA85 JP $C0A3 Print Maroc's rank on the scroll and play music
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