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E610: Intro sequence - toggle sky colour between blue/yellow
Used by the routine at C07A.
This routine alternates the INK and PAPER colours of the sky above the landscape to flash between yellow and blue.
lightning flashes during intro sequence
It checks the INK and PAPER colours of the byte (1 or 6) and toggles between them.
The effect doesn't filter out squares in the left/right border - because a section on the left has yellow in it, it gets affected - see Bugs - Intro sequence - lightning effect colour bleeds into border.
E610 LD B,$FF 255 bytes covers a couple of rows more than the first third of the screen.
E612 LD HL,$5840 Screen attribute address - top left of the screen, then two rows down below the top border
Determine INK colour in screen attribute byte:
E615 LD A,(HL) Get screen attribute byte
E616 LD D,A Store in D register
E617 AND $07 Get the INK value from the screen attribute byte (0-7)
E619 CP $01 Is it blue (INK 1)?
E61B JR NZ,$E621
E61D LD A,$06 If so, set the INK colour to yellow (6) and skip next check
E61F JR $E627
E621 CP $06 Is the INK colour yellow (6)?
E623 JR NZ,$E627
E625 LD A,$01 If so, Set the INK colour to blue
Determine PAPER colour to paint sky - alternating between yellow and blue:
E627 LD E,A Copy INK colour into E register - blue (1) or yellow (6)
E628 LD A,D Get screen attribute byte
E629 AND $38 Filter out everything but the PAPER colour (bits 3-5)
E62B CP $08 Is it blue (PAPER 1)?
E62D JR NZ,$E633
E62F LD A,$30 If so, set to yellow (PAPER 6) and skip next check
E631 JR $E639
E633 CP $30 Is it yellow (PAPER 6)?
E635 JR NZ,$E639
E637 LD A,$08 If so, set to blue (PAPER 1)
Combine calculated INK and PAPER parts of attribute byte:
E639 OR E Combine PAPER value with INK value calculated earlier
E63A LD (HL),A ...and print onto screen
E63B INC HL Move right one square
E63C AND $10 This instruction has no effect, as the A register is assigned a new value within the next couple of instructions
E63E DJNZ $E615 Repeat x 255, covering the top third of the screen (and a bit more).
E640 RET Return to the routine at C07A
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