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E699: UP/DOWN controls pressed while in spell menu
Used by the routine at E641.
This routine cycles through the spell list at 6DFC, printing any spells that have been collected.
If the first byte of a spell's data set is 16, it means the spell has been collected and is available for display/selection.
scrolling through spells
Check whether it's up or down that's been pressed:
E699 LD C,A Temp store for up/down flag: 1 = up, -1 (255) = down
E69A LD A,($EAA6) Retrieve the counter flag set in the previous routine, used to create the incremental pitch sound effects as the player scrolls through the spells
E69D CP $00 Skip next two instructions if zero (reached max pitch)
E69F JR Z,$E6A5
E6A1 DEC A Otherwise decrement...
E6A2 LD ($EAA6),A ...and re-store.
E6A5 LD A,C Retrieve the up/down flag value from C register
E6A6 CP $01 Check if UP pressed. If not, run the following routine for DOWN.
E6A8 JR Z,$E6D1
DOWN pressed while in spell menu:
E6AA LD A,($EAE2) Spell counter (up to 27 spells) for current spell
E6AD LD HL,($EAE3) Address pointer for the current position in the spell list (spells at 6DFC)
E6B3 CP $00 If we don't currently have a counter position (byte at EAE2 is zero), then start at the end of the spell list ready to move up it
E6B7 LD HL,($EB67) Address pointer for the end of the spell list texts at 6FBC
E6BA LD A,($EB69) Total number of spells (27)
E6BD INC A Incremented ready for decrement at the start of the following loop
E6BE ADD HL,DE Subtracts 16 from HL - first check is the data set for the last spell (MESSAGE) at 6FAC
E6BF DEC A Decrement spell number counter (starts at 27)
E6C0 LD C,A Store temporarily
E6C1 LD A,(HL) Get 'spell collected' data byte
E6C2 CP $10 Has the spell been collected (byte value = 16)?
E6C4 LD A,C (Retrieve spell number counter)
E6C5 JR NZ,$E6B3 If it hasn't been collected, keep checking the rest of the spells
E6C7 LD ($EAE2),A Spell is available, so store the spell counter...
E6CA LD ($EAE3),HL ...and the spell list address pointer
E6CD CALL $DF33 Print the spell names on the scroll
UP pressed while in spell menu:
E6D1 LD A,($EAE2) Spell counter (up to 27 spells) for current spell
E6D5 LD HL,($EAE3) Address pointer for the current position in the spell list (spells at 6DFC)
E6D8 LD DE,$0010 Offset for the spell address pointer to move down to the next spell
E6DB LD A,($EB69) Total number of spells
E6DE CP C Check if we've reached the end of the list...
E6E1 LD HL,($EB65) ...If so, switch to the start of the spell list
E6E4 LD C,$00 ...and set the spell counter to zero
E6E8 ADD HL,DE Move down to next spell
E6E9 INC C Increment the spell counter
E6EA LD A,(HL) Get 'spell collected' data byte
E6EB CP $10 Has the spell been collected (byte value = 16)?
E6ED JR NZ,$E6DB If it hasn't been collected, keep checking the rest of the spells
E6EF LD A,C Spell is available, so store the spell counter...
E6F0 LD ($EAE2),A
E6F3 LD ($EAE3),HL ...and the spell list address pointer
E6F6 CALL $DF33 Print the spell names on the scroll
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