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F268: Code sheet - print code message/character on screen
Used by the routines at F296, F2F9 and F350.
request for code input
F268 EX (SP),HL HL now points to the character(s) to print on screen, e.g. F2AA
Print character:
F269 LD A,(HL) Get character from message string
F26A INC HL ...and move address pointer on to the next letter
F26B CP $FF Check for end-of-text marker
F26D JR Z,$F272 If reached, stop printing
F26F RST $10 Otherwise print the character
F270 JR $F269 Repeat until all message characters printed
F272 EX (SP),HL ...Then swap the message address pointer back onto the stack
F273 RET
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