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55818: Maroc's room number has changed - identify new room number
Used by the routine at 55628.
Maroc has left a room - all door, creature and object data from the room he's left has been dealt with in the previous routine.
55818 LD A,(60087) Get room number
55821 CP 224 Check if it's a tunnel room (room numbers 224-255)
55823 JR NC,55837 If so, there are no creatures to deal with, so skip the next few instructions
Standard (non-tunnel room). Copy the room's creature data byte (60343), calculated in the previous routine, in the relevant room's creature data set at 26512.
55825 DEC A Offset starts at 0, not 1, so decrement room number
55826 LD C,A Use room number as an offset in BC register pair
55827 LD B,0
55829 LD HL,(56048) Address pointer for the room creature data set at 27532
55832 ADD HL,BC Add offset (with C = room number)
55833 LD A,(60343) Byte indicating which creatures are in the room (that Maroc is leaving)
55836 LD (HL),A Copy into the room creature data at 26512
Get new room number:
55837 LD A,(60080) Get (new) room number data byte
55840 CP 255 If byte set to 255 it indicates that the room number needs to be calculated, so will need calculating using the connecting door table at 26512
55842 JR NZ,55857 If already calculated, skip the next few instructions
55844 LD HL,(60085) Address pointer to connecting door data at 26512
55847 LD A,(60087) Get current room number
55850 CP (HL) The connecting room will either be byte 2 or 3 (1 door, two rooms)
Is the current room equal to byte 2 in the door table?
55851 JR NZ,55854 If not, the new room is byte 2
55853 INC HL If so, we need byte 3
55854 LD A,(HL) Get the room byte from the connecting door table
55855 JR 55874
If the new room number is already set/calculated, it means it's been changed by some event during the game cycle.
For example, if Maroc:
  • is out of energy (room set to room #1)
  • casts a spell such as SUMMON or WAYSTONE, that teleports him to a new room
If so, set Maroc's position in the new room at the point of the room's left wall-floor connector. See Bugs - Teleport spells
55857 LD C,A Calculated room number - temp store in C
55858 LD A,48 Set Maroc's vertical pixel position in the room to 48 pixels
55860 LD (60276),A
55863 LD A,16 Set Maroc's horizontal room position (4-pixel/half-character steps) to 16
55865 LD (60277),A
55868 LD A,0
55870 LD (60278),A Set Maroc's room vertical position to 0
55873 LD A,C Retrieve byte (60080) from C register
Maroc's room has now changed, so he's either gone through a door, run out of energy, or has teleported somewhere.
55874 LD (60087),A Store new room number (e.g. = room #1 when Maroc is out of energy, room #61 for SUMMON)
55877 LD A,(60128) Check Maroc's energy level
55880 CP 0 Is it zero?
55882 JP NZ,49415 If not 0, Maroc hasn't run out of energy, so if he hasn't just gone through a door he's probably cast some sort of teleport spell.
If this is the case, jump out here and initialize the data for his new room.
Otherwise, Maroc is out of energy - continue to the next routine.
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