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C20F: Set up room background scenery - part 2
Used by the routine at C1E0.
A Byte calculated in the previous routine at C1F5, either 0, 1 or 2, indicating whether to deal with objects on the back, right or left wall respectively
C The incremental counter byte stored at EB7D and used to count room elements
Follows the previous routine. When Maroc enters a room this routine calculates doors and brickwork patterns based on the room's data set at 61A9.
See Trivia: Setting the scene(ry) for an explanation of how this routine evaluates the DOORS and BRICKWORK from the room data set.
C20F LD ($EB7F),A Store the above byte (in the A register calculated in the previous routine at C1F5)
C212 LD A,($EB7E) Get the current room data byte (from the current room data banks at 61A9)
C215 RLA Shift bits (6 & 7) left x 2
C216 RL C ...Shifting them into bits 0 & 1 of the C register
C218 RLA
C219 RL C
C21B LD ($EB7E),A First two bits moved - now re-store the data byte for further shifts of the next ones later
C21E LD A,C We're only interested in bits 0 and 1 of the C register
C21F AND $03 So filter any others out
C221 LD C,A
C222 AND $01 Check bit 0. If set, this indicates that there's a DOOR here.
C224 JR Z,$C265 ...If it's NOT set, skip over the next routine to check for BRICKWORK patterns
DOOR identified from room data set. Check where in the room it is:
C226 LD A,($EB79) Item's vertical position within current room, in pixels, from top of room area.
C229 LD ($EB4A),A ...Copy byte into store
C22C LD A,($EB78) Horizontal position within current room, in half-character (4 pixel) steps.
C22F LD ($EB48),A ...Copy byte into store
C232 LD A,($EB7F) 0 = back wall, 1 = right wall, 2 = left wall
C235 LD ($EB46),A ...Copy byte into store
C238 LD A,$02 Graphic type = 2 (Door)
C23A LD ($EB43),A
C23D CALL $E0B0 Copy the 16 bytes in the item's working data buffer at EB43 into a room item data set at 7C00.
DOOR FRAMES - set up/mirror graphics
Each door has a door frame, which is a separate graphic to be handled
C240 LD A,$01 Graphics type = 1 (fixed room scenery item, in this case a door frame)
C242 LD ($EB43),A
The byte calculated earlier (0, 1 or 2) indicates whether the item is on the back wall, right wall or left wall, so the following instructions use this information to work out the graphics address offset (in C register).
C245 LD C,$14 Redundant instruction as C value (offset) is set either at C24E (20) or C254 (21)
C247 LD A,($EB7F) 0 = Back wall door, 1 = Right wall door or 2 = Left wall door
C24A CP $00
C24C JR NZ,$C254
C24E LD C,$14 Back wall - Graphics offset = (20-1)*2 + 38851 = 97E9 (Door frame - back wall)
C250 LD A,$01 Frame offset (= no offset needed)
C252 JR $C256
C254 LD C,$15 Side wall - Graphics offset = (21-1)*2 + 38851 = 97EB (Door frame - side wall)
Set up and mirror graphics for door frame
C256 LD ($EB50),A Store calculated frame offset
C259 LD A,($EB77) Get level style offset (for to graphic pointers at 97C3).
This is 12 if room number >=84 (cavern levels), otherwise 0 (brick levels).
C25C ADD A,C Add the offset (20 or 21) to graphics offset addresses depending on whether the door frame is on the back or side wall
C25D CALL $E0C2 Call setup graphics routine (copy graphics address pointers), mirror any relevant graphic data
C260 CALL $E0B0 Copy the 16 bytes of calculated graphics data from the working buffer at EB43 into one of the the room item data sets at 7C00.
C263 JR $C2C2
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