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D065: Creature has collided with Maroc
The previous routine at D04B has confirmed a creature has collided with Maroc.
D065 LD A,($EB46) Check if creature is a WRAITH
D068 CP $0B
D06A JR NZ,$D074 If not, skip next check
WRAITHS are destroyed if they collide with Maroc when WRAITHBANE is active
D06C LD A,($EAE9) Creature is a wraith
D06F CP $14 Does Maroc have the WRAITHBANE spell active?
D071 JP Z,$D07C If so, destroy wraith
Creature is touching Maroc - drain his energy by the amount of damage that this type of creature does.
D074 LD A,($EBAC) Amount of damage this creature does to Maroc's energy bar (see Reference - Creatures)
D077 CALL $E3CC Decrease Maroc's energy
D07A JR $D090 Jump to the routine to stop the creature moving - it has found Maroc and will stay where it is and continue to drain his energy unless he moves
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