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D94C: Deal with room items when Maroc leaves the room
Used by the routines at BF60 and D940.
Evaluates objects in data sets at 7C00 and store state of any DOORS, CREATURES or OBJECTS.
D94C LD A,($EAB0) Room number
D94F CP $00
D951 JP Z,$C6B6 If it's zero, it means that room's all set up, so jump to the main game cycle
D954 LD A,$00
Start preparing the room items that will need dealing with:
D956 LD ($EBB7),A Set the creatures in the room to zero
D959 LD HL,($DAEE) Pointer to start of the room data sets at 7C00
D95C LD DE,$0010 Skip pointer past first data set, which deals with the room/viewport setup
Check each data set in the room item list at 7C00 in turn:
D960 LD A,(HL) Get first byte of data set
D961 CP $FF Check for end-of-data marker
D963 JP Z,$DA0A If found, skip copying routine
D966 LD DE,$0010
D969 CP $00 If first data byte <> 0, there's some data to copy for this set
D96B JR NZ,$D970
D96D ADD HL,DE First data byte is zero, so skip to next data set and keep checking data sets
D96E JR $D960
Copy 16 bytes of data from this set at 7C00 to the data buffer at EB43:
D970 LD BC,$0010 16 bytes to copy
D973 LD DE,$EB43 Start of buffer (destination)
D978 LD ($EABE),HL Store data pointer ready at the start of the next data bank
Check what the item in the data set is:
D97B LD A,($EB43) Get first byte of data set which indicates the item type
D97E CP $02 Door
D980 JR Z,$D98C
D982 CP $04 Interactable object
D984 JR Z,$D99A
D986 CP $03 Creature
D988 JR Z,$D9D5
D98A JR $D960 If not one of these three items, no extra processing needed at this point, so jump back and continue copying data sets
D98C LD HL,($EB44) Address pointer to door connector data set in the table at 6790
D98F INC HL Move to 3rd byte of data set
D991 LD A,($EB4E) This is the door properties byte
D994 LD (HL),A Store in the 3rd byte of the room connector data set
D995 LD HL,($EABE) Retrieve address pointer to current data set at 7C00
D998 JR $D960 ...and continue to check data sets
D99A LD HL,($EB44) Address pointer to object data set in the table at 736F
D99D LD A,($EAB7) Get room number...
D9A0 LD (HL),A Store in object set as the room number for this item (first byte of set)
D9A1 INC HL Move to the next item data byte...
D9A2 LD ($EB44),HL ...And store the address pointer to this object's set
Calculate item's vertical & horizontal co-ordinates (in relation to the room viewport's position) and store in the object's data set (in the table at 736F)
D9A5 LD HL,($EAF8) Horizontal position of current screen viewport in 4-pixel/half-character steps - to be used as a calculation offset for the item's position
D9A8 EX DE,HL Swap into DE
D9A9 LD HL,($EB47) Item graphic's horizontal position in room - H register contains value in 4-pixel/half-character steps (L = pixel fraction/overflow)
D9AC SCF Clear/reset the carry flag (set, then toggle)
D9AE SBC HL,DE Subtract the offset to get the item's room position
D9B0 LD A,H Get the high byte (contains the object's adjusted horizontal position in 4-pixel steps)
D9B1 LD HL,($EB44)
D9B4 LD (HL),A Store as the 2nd byte of the object's data set at 736F
D9B5 INC HL Move address pointer to next byte (which stores the item's vertical pixel position)
D9B6 LD ($EB44),HL Store the address pointer
D9B9 LD HL,($EAF6) Get vertical room pixel position
D9BC EX DE,HL Swap into DE
D9BD LD HL,($EB49) Item graphic's vertical position in room - H register contains value in pixels (L = pixel fraction/overflow)
D9C0 SCF Clear/reset the carry flag (set, then toggle)
D9C2 SBC HL,DE Subtract the offset to get the item's room position in pixels
D9C4 LD A,H Get the high byte (contains the adjusted vertical pixel position)
D9C5 LD HL,($EB44) Retrieve the address pointer to the 3rd byte of the object's data set at 736F
D9C8 LD (HL),A Store the item's vertical room position
D9C9 INC HL Move along to the next byte of the object's data set
Store item properties byte:
D9CA LD A,($EB4E) Get item properties byte
D9CD AND $EF Reset bit 4 (if set, indicates item carried by servant).
In most cases it's unlikely for Maroc to be able to switch room while the servant spell is active however
D9CF LD (HL),A Store in item data set
D9D0 LD HL,($EABE) Restore pointer to data set at 7C00
D9D3 JR $D960 Continue to copy data sets
D9D5 LD B,$00 The B register will hold a value indicating the type and number of creatures in the room
D9D7 LD A,($EB4E) Creature properties byte
D9DA AND $E0 Check if any of the top 3 bits are set:
Bit 6/7 = creature materializing
Bit 5 = creature disintegrating
D9DC JR NZ,$D9FD If any of these are set, the creature isn't considered present, so don't add this creature's value
Check creature type at EB46, and determine which bit values (see 6B8C) to add to the byte value at EBB7.
D9DE LD A,($EB46) Creature type
D9E1 CP $08 Byte value < 8, it's a warlock (no action to take as they're not 'stored')
D9E5 CP $08
D9E9 LD B,$40 Byte value = 8, it's a guardian of chaos (set value = 64, these creatures are stored in bits 6 & 7)
D9EB CP $09
D9EF LD B,$10 Byte value = 9, it's a goblin warrior (set value = 16, these creatures are stored in bits 4 & 5)
D9F1 CP $0A
D9F3 JR NZ,$D9F7
D9F5 LD B,$04 Byte value = 10 it's a goblin missile thrower (set value = 4, these creatures are stored in bits 2 & 3)
D9F7 CP $0B
D9FB LD B,$01 Byte value = 11, it's a wraith (set value = 1, these creatures are stored in bits 0 & 1)
Add this creature's value (in B register) to the creature data byte for this room.
D9FD LD A,($EBB7) Creature data byte for room
DA00 ADD A,B Add the creature type value
DA01 LD ($EBB7),A ...and re-store
DA04 LD HL,($EABE) Retrieve address pointer to the next data set (at 7C00)
DA07 JP $D960
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