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E220: Set attribute colours for Maroc
Used by the routines at D368, E207 and E46C.
Maroc's attribute colours
Maroc's attribute colour value is set to 71 (INK 7, PAPER 0, BRIGHT 1) and stored at EAA7.
This routine calculates and sets Maroc's colour on the screen (incorporating the screen's PAPER colour if needed)
Calculate Maroc's VERTICAL attribute display address position:
E220 LD A,($EAC1) Maroc's vertical (Y-axis) position, in pixels.
E223 SUB $1A Maroc's vertical position is calculated from the middle of the sprite, so move up 26 pixels to get to the top of his hat
E225 AND $F8 Character squares/attributes are in multiples of 8 pixels, therefore don't need bits 0-2 (values 0-7). Filter these so the vertical position is a multiple of 8
E227 LD H,$00 Store calculated value in HL register
E229 LD L,A To move down to the next screen attribute display square, you need to add 32 to the address. So address offset will be (y/8)*32, or y*4. So multiply by 4.
Calculate Maroc's HORIZONTAL attribute display address position:
E22C LD A,($EAC0) Maroc's horizontal (X-axis) position, in 4-pixel (half character rows)
E22F SRA A Divide by 2 to get Maroc's horizontal position in full character rows
E231 LD E,A
Calculate offset from top of screen attribute display address:
E232 LD D,$00
E234 ADD HL,DE Combine the offsets calculated above
E235 LD DE,$5820 Screen attribute display position one square down from the top left of the screen
E238 ADD HL,DE Add the combined vertical + horizontal offset to get to the top left of Maroc's sprite
Attribute display address pointer is currently just above Maroc's sprite, so colour this in with the room PAPER colour:
E239 LD A,($EAA9) Current room colour attribute value
E23C LD DE,$001D Offset ready to move down to the next character row (32 spaces) minus 3 spaces (3 spaces to the left)
E23F LD B,$03 3 character wide area to colour in
E241 LD (HL),A Colour the 3-character wide section with the room colour
E243 DJNZ $E241
Now combine the room colour with Maroc's sprite colour, so Maroc takes on the PAPER value of the room:
E245 LD A,($EAA9)
E248 LD C,A
E249 LD A,($EAA7) Maroc's standard colour - 71 (BRIGHT 1, INK 7, PAPER 0)
E24C OR C Combine Maroc's colour with the background (PAPER) colour of the screen
Next, print Maroc's colour on-screen.
This paints a 3 x 6 coloured vertical space over Maroc's sprite.
Although the width of his sprite frames (97C3) varies between 3 and 5 characters, a width of only 3 characters gets coloured in (possibly to reduce the extent of his colour clash).
E24D ADD HL,DE Move to the attribute display address for Maroc's vertical position
E24E LD C,$06 6 characters in height
E250 LD B,$03 ...and 3 wide
E252 LD (HL),A Colour in the square
E254 DJNZ $E252 Repeat for 3 columns
E256 ADD HL,DE Move down to next character line, and back left 2 characters
E257 DEC C Repeat for 6 rows
E258 JR NZ,$E250
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