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E4E7: Calculate and print Maroc's rank
Used by the routines at C0A3 and DA88.
See Trivia: Maroc's rank for information about how this is determined.
E4E7 CALL $DEF9 Clear the scroll status panel at the bottom of the screen
E4EA LD A,$22 Message number 34 (message texts start from 7172) - #34 is the "YOUR RANK IS NOW" text at 72E8.
E4EC CALL $E5A5 Identify address pointer for message text
E4EF LD ($EAA1),HL ...and store
E4F2 LD HL,$5068 Set the screen display address pointer for top left of scroll, one character line down
E4F5 LD ($EAA4),HL ..and store.
E4F8 CALL $E2D0 Print the message text on the scroll
This next routine looks through the spells and checks which ones have been collected (first byte of the spell data = 16).
For each spell collected, the C register is incremented by 3, so it looks as if this will play a part in increasing Maroc's rank.
HOWEVER, the routine after this resets the C register to 0 at E51B before it's stored anywhere, so will effectively nullify any increments calculated here. So collecting spells doesn't have an effect on Maroc's rank after all.
E4FB LD DE,$0010
E4FE LD HL,($EB65) Address pointer to start of message texts at 6DFC, starting with spell names
E501 LD A,($EB69) Number of spells (27)
E504 LD B,A Store in B register as a counter
E505 LD C,$00 C seems to be a counter for spells collected
E507 LD A,$10 Check if Maroc has collected this spell
E509 CP (HL)
E50A JR NZ,$E50F
E50C INC C If so, increment score by 3
E50F ADD HL,DE Move onto the next spell
E510 DJNZ $E509 Check for all 27 spells
Maroc can gain rank points by destroying any/all of the 7 warlocks, which appear on walls on various game levels. Warlock attributes are stored at 6C7C.
Score for destroying a warlock is warlock number * 4. So warlock #1 is worth 4, warlock #7 is worth 28.
E512 LD HL,($EBC3) Address pointer to warlock information at 6C7C
E515 INC HL If the second byte in each warlock's data set >0, it means Maroc has destroyed this warlock.
E516 LD DE,$0008 8 bytes for each set of warlock data
E519 LD B,$07 7 warlocks to check
E51B LD C,$00 The C register will contain the total score
E51D LD A,(HL) Get byte
E51E ADD HL,DE (Move pointer to the next warlock data set ready for next check)
E51F CP $00 Check if it's 0
E521 JR Z,$E52A If so, this warlock has not been destroyed. Continue to the next one.
E523 LD A,$08 If the warlock has been destroyed, calculate which of the warlocks it is by starting with 8...
E525 SUB B ...and subtracting the (reversed) warlock number (1-7)
E526 ADD A,A A now contains the warlock number that has been destroyed (1-7). Multiply this by 4
E527 ADD A,A
E528 ADD A,C ...and add it to the total score.
E529 LD C,A
E52A DJNZ $E51D Continue to check all 7 warlocks, adding score for each one that has been destroyed
Maroc's ranks points are increased by 1 for every 2 creatures destroyed (creature data at 6CB4)
Rank points are halved in the final calculation, meaning Maroc's rank will increase by 1 for every 4 creatures he destroys.
E52C LD B,$04 4 types of creature to check
E52E LD A,(HL) Get (2nd) byte of set, which indicates number of creatures destroyed
E52F ADD HL,DE (Move pointer to the next creature set ready for next check)
E530 SRA A Halve the score value
E532 ADD A,C ...and add it to the score
E533 LD C,A
E534 DJNZ $E52E Continue to check the 4 types of creature, adding score for numbers destroyed
Maroc receives 32 points at the point he destroys his first (but not every) demon in the High Temple of Chaos.
The reason for this score being is a one-off increment is because unlike other creatures, demons respawn indefinitely.
E536 LD A,(HL) Get (2nd) byte of set
E537 CP $00
E539 JR Z,$E53F If zero, nothing to add
E53B LD A,$20 Otherwise, add a (set) score of 32
The next check looks at Maroc's dungeon level, when he ran out of energy (or finishes the game). The second paired byte in the table at C6A4 is doubled, then added to the rank/score.
Using 'current' level vs 'achieved' level means Maroc receives a higher rank for running out of energy on deeper levels (e.g. by casting the SUMMON spell), but will lose ranks if he dies on the Gatehouse level, for instance.
The score is added to using paired byte x 2 (e.g. running out of energy in the Chambers of Chaos is worth 8 x 2 = 16 points)
E53F LD A,($EAC9) Byte relating to level number in reference table at C6A4
E542 ADD A,A Double it
E543 ADD A,C ...and add to the score
E544 LD C,A
Now a rank demotion. The byte at EAC8 counts how many times Maroc has died (i.e. run out of energy).
His score is reduced by 1 for every 4 occurences of this (score reduction = byte value / 4).
E545 LD A,($EAC8) Get Maroc's current 'death count'
E548 INC A ...and increase by 1
E549 JR C,$E54E Avoid re-storing the increased amount if it would mean a wrap around to 0 (if Maroc has already died 255 times!)
E54B LD ($EAC8),A Re-store
E54E RRA Divide by 4
E550 AND $3F Filter out any unnecesary carry bits caused by the RRAs
E552 LD B,A Subtract value from calculated rank score
E553 LD A,C
E554 SUB B
E555 JR NC,$E559
E557 LD A,$00 If this subtraction brings down the total rank to less than 0, set it at 0 (APPRENTICE LORE SEEKER).
Halve the score before using it to calculate the rank:
E559 RRA Halve the score value
E55A LD C,A And store in the C register
Use the calculated score to identify Maroc's rank:
E55B RRA Divide the already-halved-score by 8 to move the score into the lowest 4 bits of the byte
E55E AND $0F Keep bits 0-3 (values 0-15) - this gives 16 options, which relate to the 16 titles
E560 ADD A,$12 The rank title texts start at 7250, which is message #18 from the start of the message texts (BF92), so add this.
E562 LD ($EAC7),A Store this value
Calculate and print the 'descriptor' part of the rank text (one of the 8 texts at 7216).
E565 LD A,C Retrieve the original score (halved so will be in the range 0-127)
E566 AND $07 Keep bits 0-2 (values 0-7) - this gives 8 options, which relate to the 8 descriptors
E568 ADD A,$0A The rank descriptor texts start at 7216, which is message #10 from the start of the message texts (7172), so add this.
E56A CALL $E5A5 Identify the address pointer for the descriptor text
E56D LD ($EAA1),HL ...and store.
E570 LD HL,$50A8 Screen display address to the start of where the descriptor text will be printed on the scroll
E573 LD ($EAA4),HL ...and store
E576 CALL $E2D0 Print the text on the scroll
Print the 'title' part of the rank text (one of the 16 texts at 7250):
E579 LD A,($EAC7) Retrieve the calculated text message number
E57C CALL $E5A5 Identify the address pointer for the text to print
E57F LD ($EAA1),HL ...and store.
E582 LD HL,$50C8 Screen display address to the start of where the descriptor text will be printed on the scroll, just below where the descriptor was printed
E585 LD ($EAA4),HL
E588 CALL $E2D0 Print the text on the scroll
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