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E58C: Clear the spell message text area on the scroll
Used by the routine at C677.
Clears any messages on two lines of the message area of the scroll, e.g. "Project thy soul", "Gatehouse level"
E58C LD L,$88 Low byte of HL screen display address pointer which is set to the top left of the scroll spell area, where the spell messages (e.g. "Project thy soul") are printed
E58E LD C,$02 2 row of text
E590 LD E,$10 16 columns of text
E592 LD H,$50 High byte of HL screen display address pointer which is set to the top left of the scroll spell area, where the spell messages (e.g. "Project thy soul") are printed
E594 LD B,$08 8 pixel rows to clear
E596 LD (HL),$00 Clear pixel row
E598 INC H Move down one pixel line
E599 DJNZ $E596 Repeat x 8
E59B INC L Move right one character square/column
E59C DEC E Repeat x 16 columns
E59D JR NZ,$E592
E59F LD L,$A7 Set column position to character row below, one line down.
This should probably be one less as this value is one character to the left of the previous line, though it doesn't really matter
E5A1 DEC C Repeat the clear loop for 2 character rows
E5A2 JR NZ,$E590
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